• Fit Align Posture Training

    Change Your Posture ~ Change Your Life

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Fine-tune athletic performance

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Live A Pain Free Life

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Empower your Breathing ~ Improve Your Life

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Safe for All Ages & Fitness Levels

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Retrain Your Brain

  • Fit Align Posture Training

    Create Balanced Muscle Chain Activation

What is FitAlign®?

FitAlign® is a breath-based neuromuscular exercise system designed to improve posture and core strength from the inside out. Using resistance breathing techniques, self-massage, proprioceptive enhancement, and safe functional exercises, FitAlign rewires the brain to upload biologically efficient posture in all movements.
Safe, comfortable and easy to do, the exercises work globally in the body to strengthen muscle/fascia chains, stabilize joints, and balance tensional forces leading to pain reduction and increased agility, balance, and mobility.
For over 30 years, Michaelle Edwards, LMT has been creating and developing FitAlign® Posture Training & YogAlign, providing thousands of people worldwide with the self-care tools to be fit, aligned & pain-free.
Jeffrey Before Mblock Jeffrey B Mblock

Before and After Success Stories

FitAlign® Posture realignment techniques have been successful in alleviating chronic pain all over the body. People have learned the self help tools to relieve musculoskeletal pain in the spine, neck, knee, hips, shoulder, hands, and feet .

Other conditions that have been helped include plantar fasciitis, bunions, bone spurs, TMJ, disc bulges & herniation, hypermobility, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal stenosis, sciatica, arthritis, headaches, hernias, scoliosis, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, vertigo, balance problems, low energy, thoracic outlet syndrome, menstrual cramps, fertility, pregnancy & pelvic floor issues.

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What Can FitAlign do For You?
Freddie Neuromuscular Exercise
Freddie Alleviating Chronic Pain
  • Create naturally aligned posture at the nervous system level
  • Reduce chronic pain and anxiety
  • Use breathing to tone your core and calm your nerves
  • Decompress the spine and stabilize joint functions
  • Create balanced strength and agility for injury prevention and joint longevity
  • Improve perception, kinesthetic awareness, gait, and sports performance
Posture Is Everything!
Eva Plantar Fasciitis
Joe Posture
Posture is a major determinant of strength, agility, attractiveness, movement & sports performance. It also affects mood, pain & energy levels, hormone & organ function, immunity, digestion, elimination, sex drive, and joint longevity.
Poor posture is an epidemic in the western world with slouching becoming the norm for most people!
Better posture will give you:
Psoas Power
FitAlign® Posture Training

Activate your psoas/diaphragm breath connection to get rid of chronic back pain and move with ease, grace, and power. FitAlign exercises train your brain to tone and balance the actions of your two psoas muscles to work primarily as initiators of movement, breath support, and spine stabilization.  Getting psoas power
allows you to move from the core center engaging the movements of your legs from the psoas connection at the lumbar spine and diaphragm.  In many people, the psoas group is weak and short from sitting in chairs and doing compartmentalized ab exercises based on flexing or bending the spine. FitAlign will strengthen your psoas and gluteal muscles to work together as a team to keep your torso strong, stable, upright and powerful.

Biosense Syndrome
The definition of tensegrity is a combination of the two words ‘tension’ and ‘integrity’. Bio-tensegrity refers to balanced tensional forces in your body that automatically keep you stable and upright using the least amount of effort.  The natural world has been designed with tensegrity principles we can observe it sea shells, flowers, trees, and spider webs. Principles of ‘Bio-tensegrity’ precisely describe the relationship between the connective tissues, the muscles, and the skeleton.
Think of the stays on a sailboat that pull against each other in dynamic tension keeping the mast upright during motion. FitAlign exercises wire the brain with the movements of breathing to engage muscle chains that control flexion, extension, expansion, and rotation with balanced force throughout the whole-body.
Posture is not static and FitAlign engages the forces of breathing to create lift and expansion needed to support structure from the inside out creating Bio-tensegrity.
The connective tissue (fascia and muscle) framework provides a kind of tensional force that is crucial to the upright structure of the skeleton.
In FitAlign, enhanced perception and body awareness from self-massage and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) sends the sensory information or data to the brain to strengthen the cortical maps and rewiring. The result is effortless movement, naturally aligned posture, and core strength from the inside out.
Are inversions safe and effective?

Are inverted exercises and inversion tables beneficial for the body?
Inversions and inversion tables  compress your spine in the opposite direction as well as over-stretching and damaging the thin diaphragm muscle. About 50% of the population has a sliding hiatal hernia which can become more pronounced if you use an inversion table. 
Also headstands, plow and shoulder stand are dangerous body positions that can compress the nerves and vessels in the neck inhibiting blood and lymph flow.  End range flexion of the neck as in yoga plow poses can compress the anterior vertebral structures as well as create laxity in ligaments needed for cervical stabilization. The neck or cervical spine is simply not designed to hold the weight of the lower body.  About 50% of the population has a sliding hiatal hernia which can become more pronounced if you use an inversion table.  Digestion issues like acid reflux can become more pronounced by inverting for long periods of time. 

Stop Stretching & Pandiculate Instead
Bella Pandiculating
Baby Stretching

Bella, the dog is not stretching, she is pandiculating. Infants will naturally pandiculate on their own. Stretching must be learned and therefore is a socio-cultural phenomenon based on belief systems rather than innate instinctual movement.

In FitAlign, we do not stretch, we pandiculate~ it’s more fun and nobody gets hurt.  Stretching must be taught and learned as humans do not naturally do it. What we naturally do is pandiculate which activates our voluntary muscles and if combined with a yawn, creates a reset of the nervous system.
There is a widespread belief system  that we need to ‘stretch our muscles’ to get out of pain, improve body performance, reduce injuries or gain flexibility. However, research is revealing that pulling and stretching on individual muscle bodies does not help them function better. Research shows that static stretching weakens muscles and slows down muscle response rates. Many people have suffered joint injuries like herniated discs and tendon ruptures from bending forward to stretch the back and hamstrings.
“Stretching is not a biological-physiological necessity but perhaps a socio-cultural construct. Indeed, it seems that only humans engage in regular, systematic stretching. Passive stretching cannot improve active control as it only engages the sensory component of the movement system.” Eyal Lederman, ( 2015, Fascia in Sport and Movement)
Do Tight Abs help Low Back Pain?
Courtney Babbidge Anterior

Courtney, a fitness professional with a degree in sports medicine after doing the 10-day FitAlign Instructor training.

Superficial Fblateral

Anterior flexors and posterior extensors

One of the biggest blind spots in the fitness industry is the belief that the “abs should be flat and tight” or that having tight flat abdominal muscles is a remedy for back problems.Back pain is caused not just by weakness, but also by excessive tightness in the flexors of the spine; thus, over-contracting the abs in workouts is not a panacea for back pain, but rather a trigger for it. FitAlign uses breathing to tone your torso muscles from the inside out as stabilizers of the spine. In just one class, you can really see the difference even after years of ab workouts.
Common flexion exercises, like abdominal crunches, elbow-to-knee type sit-ups, and straight-leg forward bends put tremendous pressure on the spine and internal organs. Because the back muscles are slack, the ligaments in the vertebrae and sacrum become over-stretched, losing their ability to keep the spine stable during movement. Tense short abdominal muscles can load pressure on the discs in the spinal column, rotate the pelvis posteriorly, and compress the nerves exiting the spine. Tense abs can create forward head carriage and pull the sternum (breastbone) down towards the pubic bone, strain the back, and can inhibit breathing and movement. Drop the sit-ups and learn how to do SIP UPS with FitAlign
Bio Sustainability
Cartoon Posture
Cartoon Yoga

FitAlign is an advanced self care system designed to create bio-sustainability in movement, moods and all systems of the body. When posture is aligned, individual cells and all systems of the body have the oxygen, nutrition, lymph, hormone, and waste removal needed to thrive. Joints last longer when not stressed by poor posture and even moods are elevated when the body is naturally strong and upright.

When posture is optimal and tensional forces are balanced, the human organism becomes bio sustainable where more energy is generated during movement. Your body becomes like an electric car where movement energizes and charges the system. The trickle-down effect is that each individual person is healthy and thriving and not needing a medical care system to fix them. When posture is misaligned, movement takes a tremendous amount of effort and the body is more like a gas guzzling car blowing out blue smoke; not sustainable. A person with poor posture is working harder than an Olympic athlete and eventually taxing not just their body but our whole health care system. When posture and breathing habits are balanced, movement creates more energy in the body, and we have bio sustainability.

What we call a health care crisis might be better dubbed a self-care crisis. Many of the illnesses that plague the Western world are the result of poor individual choices in lifestyle, diet and individual posture habits. If people really took care of themselves, medical support would primarily be needed for trauma and accidents rather than conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, joint deterioration, kidney failures, heart disease and arthritis. The billions spent on back care, drugs, surgeries, and exercise equipment could be eliminated if people took better care of themselves with diet, exercise, and optimal posture! 

Your Spine has Curves
Spinal Stenosis

How many times have you been told to flatten your low back to the floor or tuck your tailbone under?

The spine is not designed to be flat; it is designed to have curves. These curves give our spine its strength, fluidity, and ability to act as a shock absorber. There are no straight lines in nature. Balanced spinal curves and strong breathing muscles serve as a warranty against injury and joint deterioration. Whether you are standing, sitting, or reclining, exercises that straighten the spine or flatten the back reverse the spine’s natural curves and jeopardize the longevity and vitality of the body’s structural design. Over time, these body positions loosen ligaments allowing the sacral platform to flatten or tip backwards which distorts the natural 30-degree nutation angle needed for shock absorption during movement. After a period of years, many people who stretch the ligaments and flatten the spine begin to feel SI joint and low back pain. For some, this undermining of the main support system in the body- the curves of the spine – can lead to a deterioration of the hip and/or knee joints. The epidemic of hip and knee replacements is revealing that the alignment of the human body is not optimal and many exercise and stretching programs are not protecting the joint structures.
Nose or mouth breathing?
Diaphragm And Mylohyoid
Vena Cava Psoas Diaphragm

Have you heard about the latest fitness trend that one should never mouth breathe and only breathe through the nose?   Nature allows and culture forbids.

Try nose breathing while swimming, running or singing and you will quickly feel the urge to get more air.  The current belief system that mouth breathing is bad is somewhat misguided because it is actually quite easy to breathe through your mouth and needed for activities such as running, swimming and singing.  Look up any book on running and the advice for runners is to breathe through the mouth or a combination of nose and mouth or you will be unable to get enough oxygen. Also it is possible to breathe through the nose and the mouth at the same time with ease so there is no hard rule about whether air enters your lungs from your nose or your mouth.
What is more important than whether you breathe with the nose or mouth is your posture alignment and how you engage your muscles to create inhalation or exhalation. In FitAlign, we use very specific resistance breathing exercises to wake up dormant internal posture support muscles. We suggest that most of the time breathing should be done with the nose however the exercises we do are designed to inhale through the mouth in a fashion that engages muscles deep in the core in a way that is impossible when inhaling through the nostrils.

It is true that many people do have shallow mouth breathing habits with the upper shoulders and forward head carriage. Our breathing muscles and posture muscles are intrinsically linked and habitually breathing in this fashion is very unhealthy as it engages the secondary breathing muscles that can elicit a stress response as well as magnifying serious posture misalignments. Shallow mouth breathing can lead to sleep apnea and other health issues. However people can also nose breathe inefficiently in a shallow fashion and create the same issues as shallow mouth breathing. 

Kauai Private and Group Classes

Get a posture reboot today! Book a private class with Posture Educator and Licensed massage therapist, Michaelle Edwards Creator of FitAlign and YogAlign

Email her at yogalignkauai@gmail.com 

phone or text her at 808-652-3823.

Come to beautiful Kauai  and reboot your posture at Michaelle’s beautiful studio on her 5 acre estate just 5 minutes from Princeville and 10 minutes from Hanalei, Anini and Kalihiwai beaches.


Weekly FitAlign Posture Tune-up Group Class at Michaelle’s north shore studio located at 3812 Ahonui Place, Princeville Agricultural Subdivision

8:30 – 10:30 am ~ Previous YogAlign or FitAlign experience recommended but not necessary $30 per person.

Private FitAlign/ YogAlign Classes. Privately instructed one on one sessions with Michaelle Edwards. Each session is 2 hours in length and includes includes posture and breathing evaluation and individual before and after posture photos. Cost for one to two people is $300.  Group classes of 3-6 people is $300 plus $75 more per person. Each person will be emailed their before and after posture photos with individualized details as well as an online video. If you bring your cell phone camera, individual videos of your private session can also be filmed for reference. Please call for larger groups or specialized retreats.

 FitAlign private classes are a once in a lifetime experience. Each session is tailored to each individual’s posture habits, lifestyle, and exercise routines.  Learn powerful FitAlign corrective exercises using breath-based somatic repatterning. In one session, you can learn the unique FitAlign core resistance breathing practices to rewire posture and the functional movements of daily life. You will be changing the way your brain directs your body to move with activated self massage, increased perception & neuromuscular repatterning.  Each private class is approximately 2 hours in length depending on your needs and schedule. Kamaaina rates available too!

Extra – Guided hikes, swimming, snorkeling, full body massage
Licensed massage therapist Hawaii MAT #3047

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